13 June 2008

The Beginning

Welcome to Car Capture.

One of the bright spots about living in the Middle East is the cars. Some of the local citizens are fabulously wealthy and sometimes their cash gets spent on exotic autos.

So the rest of us mere-mortal expats can sit back and enjoy the view as the locals try to outdo each another with the awesomest car. We're always on the lookout for these high-end machines and always keep our cameras handy. When an exotic car gets captured by our lens, it goes up on this blog.

We're not the first ones to do this kind of blog. In particular, it's been done in this country over at Qatar Car Spottings, although that blog has been quiet for almost a year.

If anyone knows of any other relevant sites or blogs, let me know and I'll add a link on this page.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the cars. Peace.

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